Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rule of the Bone #141-175

Summary: Now Bone is riding with the guy and he tells him to hide the money since hes running a show and doesn't want to give the people the money beforehand especially since they were black. Then as their there the group gets into it with the guy and ask for the money and as that happens bone tries to escape with froggy but froggy doesn't seem like she wants to go. Then the Adirondack Iron, or whats left of them, fight the group now and bone convinces froggy to go and they finally head out. Now they head back to the school bus that Russ showed bone last time and to their surprise there was a new guy there who was Jamaican and his name was I-man. He gets to know him and his story and how he to to the bus and what he wants to do: I-man was a farmer worker and since he was a Rasta he didn't like anything unnatural so he left and he now wants to make it back to Jamaica without the government catching him since he has no documents. Then they all live together and Froggy opens up more and tells bone her mom's name and he wants to call her and let her know she has her daughter. After he calls her, her mother thinks its a joke then its serious and she finalizes to bring her home and bone does that and promises to buy her a ticket home.

Quote: "every honest man was an outlaw" (Banks 156)

Reaction: This quote is a very powerful quote given by I-man on the bus while bone and him were talking about slavery. what i take from this quote is that every person who stood up for what they believed in were criminals in society back then in racist and slavery times.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rule of the Bone #109-140

Summary: After Russ and Chappie got their tattoos and changed their names they looked for a place to stay. Russ had an uncle who owns a house that they never stay at but check up on from time to time. They sneak into the house and stay there for a little bit and live off of everything they had at the house. They ate spaghetti daily and never washed any dishes and never cleaned up, didn't have much to do but watch TV and some board games. One day they found Joints in the house and split it up since they felt they needed some but Chappie, or bone, found a gun and didn't tell Russ about it also. After a while they started arguing with each other and not seeing each other and then Russ decides to leave. He decides to go back to his aunts house, and when he tells Bone about this he's hurt and cries a little. After Russ leaves Bone takes on his new identity by cutting his mohawk and taking off his earring and nose ring and he is comfortable with it and accepts it. Then he decides to go to Albany so he starts to hitch hike but the driver that picks him up was the same guy he met at the mall that he ran away from. Instead of going to Albany now he's going to Plattsburgh with him, and throughout the ride he keeps it cool and doesn't do anything that will push the guy.

Quote:"I took out my nose ring for the first time in a year and my earrings too and laid them on the counter. for a second it felt funny like I was going to sneeze but then it felt more normal than ever." (Banks 130)

Reaction: This is a very powerful quote after Chappie, who changed his name to bone, now is by himself after Russ abandoned him and left. He goes to the bathroom of Russ' uncles' house and makes a new identity of himself by taking off his earrings and nose ring and cutting off his mohawk and this all felt normal to him, which really meant that he's a new person now.

Rule of the Bone #109-140

Summary: After Russ and Chappie got their tattoos and changed their names they looked for a place to stay. Russ had an uncle who owns a house that they never stay at but check up on from time to time. They sneak into the house and stay there for a little bit and live off of everything they had at the house. They ate spaghetti daily and never washed any dishes and never cleaned up, didn't have much to do but watch TV and some board games. One day they found Joints in the house and split it up since they felt they needed some but Chappie, or bone, found a gun and didn't tell Russ about it also. After a while they started arguing with each other and not seeing each other and then Russ decides to leave. He decides to go back to his aunts house, and when he tells Bone about this he's hurt and cries a little. After Russ leaves Bone takes on his new identity by cutting his mohawk and taking off his earring and nose ring and he is comfortable with it and accepts it. Then he decides to go to Albany so he starts to hitch hike but the driver that picks him up was the same guy he met at the mall that he ran away from. Instead of going to Albany now he's going to Plattsburgh with him, and throughout the ride he keeps it cool and doesn't do anything that will push the guy.

Quote:"I took out my nose ring for the first time in a year and my earrings too and laid them on the counter. for a second it felt funny like I was going to sneeze but then it felt more normal than ever." (Banks 130)

Reaction: This is a very powerful quote after Chappie, who changed his name to bone, now is by himself after Russ abandoned him and left. He goes to the bathroom of Russ' uncles' house and makes a new identity of himself by taking off his earrings and nose ring and cutting off his mohawk and this all felt normal to him, which really meant that he's a new person now.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rule of the Bone #66-108

Summary: In these pages Russ comes up with the idea of stealing the stolen VCR's and computers from the bikers and make a profit from it with Chappie but he denies the offer and Russ does it on his own. At first Russ was successful  but when he was out one day Bruce (leader of the bikers) noticed that some were missing. Chappie didn't tell him that Russ did it but he did tell him that he didn't do it. Then he tied him up and locked him up in Russ' room and plotted what they were going to do next, after a while of banging his head on the window to get people's attention he gave up but started again when he saw Russ pull up and Russ came in to his surprise through the porch and in the window. Then the curtains caught fire and they fled quickly and after a while the flame grew throughout the whole house. After watching the flame they fled and stole a volunteer firemen's truck and planned to crash at this junkyard where there was this bus where they stayed with these brothers who dropped out of college named James and Richard who owned the bus. They sold the truck they stole to the brothers and decided to get a new tattoos and a cover art for Russ. Then they changes their names and identity, Russ changed it to Buck and due to Chappie's skull and bones tattoo he changed his name to Bone.

Quote: "They had hoses snaked all over the place and were shooting hard heavy streams of water into the fire but it was like the fire was alive and the water was its food that only made it grow larger and hungry for more" (Banks 82)

Reaction: This quote was explaining the moment when the house Russ and Chappie was living in with the bikers caught on fire and they had escaped and were watching from another yard. This is a STRONG quote that catches the imagery of the roaring fire and the firemen's efforts to put it out. "but it was like the fire was alive and the water was its food" this quote uses personification to show the imagery of the fire feeding off of the water being used to put it out and it continuing to grow and burn.