Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chewing Gum: The Fortunes of Taste #25-60

Summary: After Santa Anna and Thomas Adams met and made the Staten Island agreement to produce gum they started making it from the chicozapote tree and they sold chicle which was a type of latex to raise money. Santa Anna then got impatient so he disappeared and left it all to Thomas. Then Thomas saw a girl buy a pack of gum that was made of Paraffin wax. So he took the chicle he made and started selling it to stores and traveled with it to sell also. They also had many different ways of selling gum also; they used sex appeal since the gum goes into the mouth, and they used colors and designs on the wrapper which worked the best. Chewing gum came into society during the time of big migrations and also industrialization meaning that cities are also growing. This fed into every entrepreneurs plan to sell and promote gum since the city was filled with people. Now that gum is a big thing and many people are making it they had to sell it and the wrapper with the best name, tatse, and most importantly best design always was the most popular stick of gum. Then the Mexicans and the Mayans went to war with America again during the Caste war over borders. This time gum was widely used by both sides of the military to chew on during battle and also the latex from the gum were used in weapons(not the gum itself).

Quote: "If people did not chew their food properly, they did not produce saliva, and this watering of the mouth produced the true or earned appetite that helped to keep people healthy" (Redclift, 37)

Reaction: Even though this book is on chewing gum its interesting to see and find out that "chewing properly" is a way of staying healthy. This gives a lot of emphasis on chewing food correctly and chewing gum to help with this.

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